Thursday, October 11, 2012

Phillips says hi!

Measuring in at 7w this morning, we're still going strong at two days ahead. I am 6w5d pregnant today and the nausea is in full swing. I live off of carbs, preggie pop drops, and syfo water. Phillips had a HB of 134 bpm. We'll go back for another u/s next Thurs. My RE says he plans to keep me for another 3-4 weeks while we wait for all of my bloodwork to come back and to monitor me through my loss milestones. I don't really care to return to my old OB so Dr. G said he would refer me to a peri that he works closely with that also accepts OB patients.

I can already feel my anxiety level start to creep up as we head into the next few weeks. I am so worried that today was the last time I'll see our LO with a HB at the u/s. I am actually really emotional about it. I suppose claiming to have faith means actually putting it into practice though. It seems the next few weeks will be the perfect time to practice when I preach.

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