Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Half Baked!

How far along are you? 20w4d

How big is baby?  A cantaloupe

Maternity clothes?  Yup, I am feeling HUGE, lol... I suppose I should just wait a few months. 

Weight loss or gain?  Still up about 10-11 LBS since pre-baby. 

Stretchmarks?  none. 

Sleep?  I slept alright last night so it's weird that I am sooooo tired right now.

Best moment this week? The a/s this morning with DH. 

Any movement?  yup

Food cravings?  Still BMTs from subway. Yum!

Food aversions?  I feel pretty eh about most food in general. 

Belly button in or out? It's almost entirely poking out.  

What do you miss? Having more than four pairs of pants to choose from for work. 

What are you looking forward to?  The long three day weekend for MLK. 

What was the BEST part of this week?  I'll get back to you. 

What is the WORST part of this week?  Sneezing last night and then not being able to walk... stupid sciatic nerve. ::sob::

Milestones:  A healthy, half-baked baby!

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