Friday, February 8, 2013

V-day tomorrow!

How far along are you? 23w6d, but bc I am late this week... the photo is from 23w4d. Baby C is viable tomorrow!!

How big is baby? Well, I've had the bump tell me that I am the size of a grapefruit, a cantaloupe and a papaya... so who knows! I am going with a grapefruit this week though!

Maternity clothes?  Yup

Weight loss or gain?  I had a minor meltdown on Wednesday evening after I went to my OB appt. The nurse told me I had gained a whopping 8 lbs since my last appt two weeks prior. I wanted to cry! Granted, it was at 6pm at night and I had downed a TON of water that day, and it was also the same day as our Dining Etiquette Luncheon at school so I ate a lot. 

I weighed myself the next morning when I woke up at home, and it said I was 5 lbs lighter than the night before. My home scale and the OB's office have always been pretty consistent so I am hoping I was just retaining a ton of water/food when I had my appt. ::sob::

Stretchmarks?  none. 

Sleep?  This is the first week that I've had a hard time sleeping. It's no longer confortable to sleep on my stomach or back. I try sleeping on my side, but then I just wake up with a sore back. I need one of those pregnancy sleep pillows!

Best moment this week? Riding to work with DH in the morning and evening. His car has been in the shop so we've been carpooling. I actually really enjoy it a lot bc we get to talk without distraction.

Any movement?  DH has started feeling his little kicks and punches this week!

Food cravings?  Monday night I got a major craving for Arby's so DH and I headed on over for some roast beef sandwiches and curly fries! ::NOMS::

Food aversions?  Shocker, I am not thrilled with goat cheese this week, lol. 

Belly button in or out? outie

What do you miss? Not having a sore back when I walk. :/

What are you looking forward to? My first Saturday off since the New Year. I have been in class all day on Saturday, but it ended last week!

What was the BEST part of this week?  Quality time with DH. 

What is the WORST part of this week?  Being exhausted every night.

Milestones:  Picking out baby shower invites with my mom this weekend! EEEk!

Here's the adorable onesie I bought this week to take baby C home in. I think it is sooooo fitting!

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