Our appt with the RE went great this past Thursday. Baby had a HB of 173 at 9w5d, and we officially were released to our new OB. We have our first appt this Wednesday at 10w4d which will be my loss milestone from our first miscarriage.
I think I am actually getting a little excited. I told DH that I just realized that I might actually be having a baby! A real little baby!
It was so cool seeing the baby on the ultrasound this week bc you could really start to see the definition of his little arms and legs... even some fingers and toes! He was wiggling and stretching his legs which was just so adorable to see! I am in love <3.
Hi- we have never met. I stumbled across your blog through someone else's blog. Anyway. I just wanted you to know I am praying for your baby. I prayed for you both last night and again this morning. I have been there and can right now relate to your post titled "purgatory" as I feel stuck... But as I wait and still grieve my own loss- I am praying for this baby for you. my email is annejmcpherson@gmail.com and my blog, though I haven't posted in a couple of weeks is http://lifeofmcphersons.blogspot.com if you want to get to know a little about my story...