A lot of people complain about their in laws...MILs get a bad wrap specifically; however, I cannot say enough about how blessed I feel to have the mother in law that I do. I don't tell her probably enough, but she has been such a help to us since I found out I was pregnant this time. I have had a tough time with keeping up with the house- in large part because the lovenox makes me incredibly short of breath and sick to my stomach from even the most basic physical activity. I feel terrible and worry that people think I am just lazy because I can't seem to keep up with the laundry and floors. I guess I am just used to having my house look a certain way.
Anyway, MIL had been coming over about once a week to clean the house for me while I am at work. In the past, this probably would have bothered me a ton because I am a prideful person who would totally feel awkward having someone see my house messy, but I have long since gotten over that. I am so grateful and so blessed to have someone so selfless and willing to help out like that. I came home last night to clean floors and a spotless fridge. How fantastic is that?!
In other news, we had our OB appt tonight. Baby is still there! My OB said the HB was registering on the doppler at 163. He made some joke about it being a girl, and I told DH his family was going to be very disappointed in him if that were the case since they all swear that they only make boys, ha.
NT scan and first peri appt is scheduled for next Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. If all goes well, we will probably feel comfortable enough to announce to our extended family on Thanksgiving... although, I am pretty sure most of them know because NO ONE in my family keeps a secret. They're all really good about acting like they dont know, but I know they do because my aunt always asks how "I'm feeling..." when I talk to her, lol.
I bought the shirt below for Cody when we found out we were expecting our first baby back in January. Sadly, he's never really been able to wear it, and it's been stuffed in a bottom drawer for so many months... but, I think it might be safe for him to pull it out. In fact, I told him that, assuming all goes well at the NT scan next week, he should wear it over to my aunt and uncles to make our announcement official. I'm excited. :)
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