Wednesday, December 12, 2012


How far along are you? 15w4d

How big is baby?  An ORANGE!

Maternity clothes?  maternity pants mostly. I bought a pair of mat leggings for target that I am in love with! I also discovered Charming Charlies this past weekend when I was out with my friend. They have some cute tunic style tops that I plan to rock as I get bigger. 

Weight loss or gain?  Didn't weigh myself this week yet, but I don't think I've gained anything really.

Stretchmarks?  Nada.

Sleep?  I slept through the night without getting up to go to the bathroom the last two nights....hooray for small miracles!

Best moment this week? snuggling with DH while watching Footloose last night.

Any movement?  no

Food cravings?  hummus and pita bread.

Food aversions?  still ground beef, vom.

Belly button in or out? still in.

What do you miss?  my energy!

What are you looking forward to?  Our next U/S on the 19th. Having two weeks off over Christmas!

What was the BEST part of this week?  Lots of holiday parties at work and no students around. It's been pretty relaxing at work.

What is the WORST part of this week?  Totally starting gagging from brushing my teeth on Monday and ended up throwing up.... not a good way to kick off the week.

Milestones:  I'm officially out at work... crazy!

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