Wednesday, January 9, 2013

19w4d! Almost half-baked!

How far along are you? 19w4d

How big is baby?  A mango!

Maternity clothes?  They're pretty much taking over my wardrobe. 

Weight loss or gain?  I'll find out at my OB appt this afternoon. I hate their scale though! :(

Stretchmarks?  none. 

Sleep?  I've had some trouble sleeping the last few nights. I go to bed bc I'm tired, but then end up laying there for two hours. No cool. 

Best moment this week? Anytime I feel baby kicks!

Any movement?  yup

Food cravings?  This week I've had subway three times... I don't even care for subway, but italian BMTs have been on my mind. Weird. :P

Food aversions?  Hummus, lol... it was my favorite a few weeks ago!

Belly button in or out? It's poking out more... I'll definitely be an outie before this is all over. 

What do you miss?  A good beer. 

What are you looking forward to?  Ordering the nursery furniture.

What was the BEST part of this week?  Friday at 3pm when I can NAP!

What is the WORST part of this week?  Working all week, then sitting through class all day Saturday. I am tired! 

Milestones:  Almost halfway to June 1st! 

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