Friday, September 28, 2012


It's been quite a week, and I am so glad to be sitting on my couch, in my pajamas, doing absolutely nothing. We had our first appt with the RE on Tuesday. He decided to put me on lovenox and switch me from prometrium to crinone. He wants to run additional bloodwork to test for elevated NK cells and other bloodclotting disorders that were not in my initial RPL panel. I feel so relieved knowing that I am working with an office that will focus on maintaining my pregnancy. I feel like if the worst case scenario happens, as in I miscarry again, at least I know that the RE will continue to work to find out the answers to why this has happened.

I want to be positive though. I got my beta results from yesterday, 19 dpo, and they were 2,263! I have always had good betas that had good doubling times, except for the CP, so this news is taken with a grain of salt. Nevertheless, good news should be celebrated. I cannot wait to get to a point in pregnancy when I truly feel optimistic and excited. I know that time will come, and today was a small step in that direction.

The RE wants to see me back on Monday for another U/S. We did one on Thursday, the same day my betas were drawn, and saw what looked to be the beginnings of a sac. I'm a little nervous bc I feel like we should have seen the sac with the betas being over 2k, but I realize I worry about everything. all.the.time. I need to just chill out and let this ride.

I had a minor meltdown earlier in the week bc the lab that my RE uses for their bloodwork, reprosource, is out of my network, and I dont have out of network coverage. They told me that the bloodwork alone was going to cost almost $1900. With DH's new business situation, literally all of our money is tied up, and I just don't have the luxury of writing a check like that anymore without a little bit of planning. Fortunately, I put on my big girl pants and spent all morning this morning on the phone with my in network lab and my insurance and found out that they are able to do the same testing and that it will be covered as long as I use the in network lab. I think my RE isn't too thrilled with this option, but oh well. It's saving us money, and I would definitely call this bit of news a blessing! DH and I go tomorrow morning to the lab to have the draws done.

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