Friday, October 26, 2012


Baby is doing well. We had another u/s yesterday and the RE said things look perfect. HB was 180. He also said my bloodwork testing for elevated nk cells came back normal. GREAT NEWS. He seems to think that I should be good to go to be released to the new doctor after my u/s next Thursday. I actually feel a little excitement! :)

Our last miscarriage ended at ten weeks, but the baby stopped growing at 8w5d so yesterday's u/s was a major milestone for us. I feel like if we make it through next week with a healthy HB, we will have really made it as our first loss occurred at 11 weeks with the baby only growing to 9w4d. I feel like I will really start to enjoy this process once we make it past this final hurdle. I hope my brain will also start to think WHEN not IF we take this baby home.

Here's our little gummy bear at 8w5d.

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