Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Getting my pills down

So my gag reflex is becoming a serious issue. Honestly, even typing this up is making my mouth all watery and gagg-y feeling... yuck. That being said, taking all my pills, there are 10 of them, is becoming an issue. Over the weekend, things got so bad that I ended up throwing up twice after taking them. This is concerning to my PgAL brain because I know the baby needs increased L-MTHF (natural folic acid) and the other vitamins that come in my metanx prescription, as well as other stuff I'm on.

After wallowing over this, a friend suggested I crush the pills up and make a smoothie. Ah-ha! Fortunately, all but one of my pills is in a capsule so I just had to break them for the powder to come out. I one up'd her and went a step further and made myself a chocolate ice cream and peanut butter milkshake. All is now well with the world and baby is getting the scripts we need. :)

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